July 19, 2019

Winter is almost upon us which means chilly days, freezing cold nights, lots of rain and the occasional bit of frost and hail. But what does this mean for your car during winter motoring?

Most breakdowns in winter are caused by battery and electrical issues as this is the time when your electrical components are working the hardest.
Check the terminals on your battery to make sure they are clean and not corroded. A good way to avoid a build up of corrosion is to use petroleum jelly. If there is already some build up you can generally wipe it away with a cloth.
If you’re having any issues with your battery you can have it tested or purchase a new one.

Heavy rain makes winter motoring difficult to see other drivers on the road, so you don’t want to be caught without head lights or brake lights. Make sure you check all the globes are working properly. In may even pay to have some spare globes in your glove box just in case.
Also check for any cracks in the light covers as water can seep in and corrode the components.

Make sure you have good windscreen wipers! If your wipers are cracked or disintegrating, they will not effectively push the water off your windscreen resulting in very poor visibility.
You will also need to make sure you have windscreen cleaner in your reservoir bottle and its filled to the proper level.
Check your windscreen for any cracks, damage or leakage around the edges.