Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: A Message To Our Guests

November 18, 2020

Warm Greetings from Wayne Phillis Automotive.

In the current climate of uncertainty surrounding the Coronavirus (COVID-19), I want to take the time to write to you to reassure you that our guests and team members wellbeing and safety is our utmost priority, now and always.

Although the Government have not yet published official directions and instructions for the Automotive Industry, at this point in time we are left with no choice but to close our Businesses for the next 6 days, under direction from the Governments COVID-19 Circuit Breaker Restrictions.

If official directions and instructions for the Automotive Industry classify our Businesses as essential, we will be operating as normal and will inform you.

We will continue to update you on this evolving situation. We have found the following resources useful and thought you might also.

Please feel free to contact us online anytime |

Warm Regards,

Wayne Phillis

SA Health Contact Tracing |

COVID-19 Clinics and Testing Centres |