Asco Foundation – Lifeline Fiji Assistance
November 22, 2021

Foundation provides timely assistance to Lifeline Fiji
Lifeline Fiji received much-needed assistance from the Asco Foundation in furnishings for their new office space at 4 Thurston Street. Apart from the office furniture, Asco Foundation also assisted the transport costs for mainly volunteers staff. The handover of the office furniture was done by Asco Foundation trustee and Asco Motors board member, Mrs Teresa Julia Apted.
According to Lifeline Fiji, there is an average loss of 110 lives in a year to suicide. For every completed suicide in Fiji, there is another 20 that is attempted. 1543 is the official number to call Lifeline Fiji for anyone needing help with any intervention and response for suicide prevention.
Mr Kumar further stated that the Foundation has continued to grow in strength since its inception and has made concerted efforts to improve the lives of our Fijian people. The Foundation will continue to provide support to the most vulnerable and, at times, less assisted.
The Foundation, although in its infancy stage, has punched above its weight to make a difference and is actively engaged in supporting the Asco brand meet its adopted UN Sustainable Development Goals
#YouMatter #MentalHealthMatters #SuicidePrevention #AscoCares