Asco Motors participates in the charity fundraising 2018 Amazing Wheelbarrow Race
January 16, 2020

Funds raised from the race are donated to the Frank Hilton Organisation.
The Hilton Schools are the only Special Schools in Fiji to have a multidisciplinary team of specialists to provide support services that provide for a holistic developmental approach for children with disabilities.
The organisation provides free daily services to 150 children including babies as young as 7 months. They also have a Physiotherapy Department, Speech Therapy Department and they provide free hearing aids by screening children in their Audiology Lab.
Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Women, Dr Josefa Koroivueta also took part in the event.
The Wheelbarrow race is a charity event that raises funds to assist the Frank Hilton Organisation. Participating firms select a number of runners and a ‘driver’ who sits in the wheelbarrow. It is a relay style race where the team has to complete 4 laps of Albert Park, whilst pushing the wheelbarrow and driver. The ASCO team, lead by Captain Hector Smith, has been training twice a week for last few months.
17 teams registered from several Companies but only 15 teams competed in this year’s event.
It was the second year that Asco Motors participated and we came in 4th overall and beat the time from last year.
Fortech Construction Ltd came in 1st, 2nd was Bluescope 1 and Bluescope 2 came in 3rd.
Highest Funds Raised by Team ‑ Harcourts Fiji raised $15,000. ASCO motors raised and donated $5,000 for the event.
This year, funds raised were in excess of FJD $85,000 for the Frank Hilton Organization.
The Amazing wheelbarrow Race is not only a fundraiser for a worthy cause but also an opportunity for team building and corporate philanthropy. It offers a good opportunity for companies to also promote wellness and optimize fitness amongst their staff members.